The Youth Sunday School (High school)
- Teacher: William Parker
- The Purpose of this class is to mature young people in the faith through dialogue and community
Children's Sunday School (pre-school through fifth grade)
- Teachers rotate during the year.
- Sharon Ray
- The Education Committee: Yolanda Cutler, Shawnh Curry.
- Activities include Bible study, discussion, crafts,games so all children know how to act as Christians at home, school, church, with family, friends neighbors...all they meet or have an opportunity to help.
- The children serve as acolytes, sing in the worship service, present Christmas and Easter programs for the entire Sunday School. They attend and/or help with Vacation Bible School and the Easter Egg Hunt. They are always willing to participate in total church activities and to help adults when needed.
30's and 40's
- Facilitator: Erv Walker
- Relaxed informal discussions based on scripture and life applications. Videos and music are used in support of flexible lesson formats that lead to greater spirituality and a Christ-filled life. All are welcome.
- Teacher: Rev. Robert Clark, Jr.
- Class Officers:
- Co-Presidents:
- Vice President/Reporter:
- Treasurer:
- Sunshine:
- Roll Secretary:
Seekers Sunday School
- Scripture based lessons from NIV. Class is open to any adult.
- Teacher: Jim Baird
- Substitute:
- President:
- Vice President: Jim Overman
- Sec/Treasurer: Mary Margaret Glower
- Social: Shannon Ray
- Sunshine: